Transform your habits around 
alcohol without willpower
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Let me, Mike Hardenbrook, guide you through my proven method to transform your habits with alcohol.
Ready to make a change?
Secure your spot on the waiting list for your FREE copy today.
More details await you on the next page.
Are you an in-between drinker?
In-between drinkers fall in between those who need a 12-step program and those who can easily take or leave
alcohol. They often struggle with negative consequences due to their drinking habits, even if they don’t fit
the mold of a typical “problem drinker.”
In this book, you’ll discover
The Science of Habit Change
Understand the neuroscience behind alcohol cravings and habit formation, giving you the knowledge to break free from the cycle.
In-between Drinking Demystified
Gain insights into the unique challenges faced by in-between drinkers who don’t necessarily have an addiction but still experience negative consequences due to alcohol consumption.
Practical Strategies for Effortless Control
Learn powerful, science-backed techniques and medicines to help you gain control over your alcohol consumption without relying on willpower.
The Path to Personal Growth and Improvement
Uncover how taking control of your alcohol habits can lead to a more fulfilling, balanced, and optimized life.*1680284151040*1680277429980*1680277416364*1679944916908*1679919612085*5*png?alt=media&token=d8291434-9264-4ca8-8ed1-eefc2bf68a0c
No Willpower Required

Dive into “No Willpower Required” and begin your transformation today!*1680284151856*1680277434943*1680277421710*1679944918844*1679919612089*6*png?alt=media&token=8dfee2ad-7b53-45d4-80ab-e16040d98775
Copyright © Mike Hardenbrook